What's Next For The Tooners

The Tooners are contemplating our next production. This time we’d like our multimedia extravaganza to be something someone, somewhere, will actually want to see. As artists our muse is the Classic Rock era but Classic Rock fans are either older people who don’t go out any more or buy new music or young people interested in the rock stars of the past, not anyone new working in the old style. So we’re going to set our sights on the next generation and produce a classic “Disney” story. We’re trying to come up with a story that Disney would have used for one of their 2D animated movies during the Second Golden Age of Animation. Of course we won’t be able to produce an entire Disney style and Disney quality full length motion picture but we can produce a live “pitch” using Disney styled characters and still artwork (perhaps with some animation) as a storybook projected on screen while we tell the story and play the songs live.

Thinking about this project lately has made me think about The Beatles' Yellow Submarine animated movie of the Sixties. Specifically, what would Yellow Submarine had been like if it had been produced by Disney Studios rather than the TVC in London? Naturally, the design would have been classic Disney which I would love to see, rather than the innovative and timely psychedelic design of Heinz Edelmann, which was a refreshing change from Disney and much more Beatles-like than certainly anything Disney would have designed.

Unlike the TVC, Disney would have had the clout to make a Beatles animated movie an A List film, in fact, a Disney Classic and probably would have not been happy to use old Beatles hits on their sound track. I’m sure Disney would have insisted that Lennon and McCartney write a half dozen new songs specifically for the film, songs that carried the story line forward like the tunes in a musical does and not just hits inserted into the “music video” section of the film like the four “original” songs used in Yellow Submarine but were not written specifically for the film.

Disney recently canceled the production on a remake of Yellow Submarine and although I’m disappointed I’m sure the proposed film would have also disappointed. It was to be in 3D CGI animation and just lifelike enough to be considered “creepy”. Even if Disney decided to remake the film in 2D (which would be great!) or in 3D using such a cartoony design for the John, Paul, George and Ringo characters that they’d lose the creepy factor, they’d still have to sandwich in the old hits as there are no new Beatles songs coming any time soon.

This raises the question as to why, since they’re turning the Beatles into cartoon characters anyway, can’t they simply use the Beatles as fictional characters and write a completely new Beatles animated feature film with all new music? I’m talking about music that sounds like the Beatles recorded it and in their style but music written specifically for the film. I believe the film Backbeat (1994) used actors to portray the Beatles and other musicians to play their songs, although the songs were the cover tunes the Beatles played in Hamburg.

Come on Disney, make us a new Beatles movie. Let the Fab Four enter the Disney Universe so I can go on a Beatles ride at Disneyland. That would be the ultimate pay back for all the Beatles fans (hippies) Disney land wouldn’t allow in the park in the Sixties.

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