Happy New Year!

Happy 2014. Things seem to be improving which isn't too hard considering what crap the 21st Century has been thus far. First we had the big panic over Y2K which was back when we liked to get excited over nothing like the president hitting on White House interns. Then we had 911 which lead to wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Then we had the space shuttle Columbia disaster of 2002 then the disaster of Hurricane Katrina which a recent poll of Republicans in Louisiana said that 24% blamed the government's bad response as the fault of President Obama (?!). Don't forget the BP Gulf Oil Spill which mysteriously disappeared (from the press) and the Great Recession (near Depression) of '08 to now.

On the plus side we did elect the first non old white man as president which is really only because the Democrat's real choice, a Southern white man with Kennedy hair (got to have some JFK appeal) and with a cancer patient wife completely self destructed in the most douche bag way possible leaving the Democrats with their token black man and lady candidate who were only running in the primary to attract minorities and women to their side before throwing all their supporters to the good looking white man. The Democrats were doomed... unless the Republicans did something even dumber like deciding to run a woman of their own, not as a Presidential candidate in the primary but as the Vice Presidential candidate. They did run an African-American in the primary but since McCain was in his seventies and had a history of cancer a vote for John McCain seemed very likely a vote for the first woman president, Sarah Palin. The big question in 2008 was Is America More Racist Or Sexist?

God Bless America, we're more sexist.

More JFK Stuff

Have you been watching all those History and Discovery channel shows on the JFK assassination? I love this stuff and there's been a ton of great footage that I've never seen before. Surprisingly, after 50 years all these shows seem to believe that Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald, all by himself.

Vincent Bugliosi who wrote a book defending the Warren Commission said that Jack Ruby, who ran nightclubs owned by the mob, wasn't a mobster himself. His "proof" is that official phone company records show that Ruby made 50 (50!!!) phone calls to known mobsters in the weeks before the assassination. How is that proof Ruby WASN'T a mobster? It is because the reason Ruby made the calls was because the Strippers' Union (strippers have a union?) was giving him problems, the Union was run by the mob and he was calling the mobsters to try and work out the problems. Why would Ruby have Stripper Union problems if he himself was in the mob? In other words, a dog is an animal, a cat is an animal, therefore a dog is a cat.

If the Motion Picture Screen Cartoonist Union was giving me problems I would not make 50 calls to the various union officials' home phone numbers unless I knew them personally. I would be calling the Union office. How did Bugliosi get this info? Is this the reason Jack Ruby gave to explain calling mobsters 50 times?

I love how these "science" shows will state a fact (phone records shows Ruby made 50 calls to known mobsters) then follow that with a "fact" that is completely unsubstantiated ( he was calling about Union problems) which leads to the "obvious" conclusion (if Ruby was a mobster he wouldn't have Stripper Union problems), or "a dog is a cat".

There was a great show about the "lost bullet" that did make sense. That one said that all the witnesses heard three shots and the Zapruder film showed Kennedy getting shot twice. They assumed the first shot hit him in the back and the head shot was the last one fired. Therefore, the second shot missed, hit some curb which sent a chip up and hit a bystander drawing blood. But the Zapruder film showed the limo making the turn then was turned off for a few seconds and picked up the limo again right before the back shot. The "first" shot that hit Kennedy was not the first shot heard. That one was reflected, bounced off the curb and hurt the bystander. The second shot hit Kennedy in the back and the third one hit him in the head so the shooter didn't need to shoot all three shots within 5.6 seconds but only the last two.

A few days after the assassination investigators shot some footage from the window seeing what the shooter saw and that film shows a hole in the metal frame of a traffic light that was suspended over the street and under which the limo passed at right where you'd think the shooter would have had the best shot. This show said that Oswald's first shot, when the limo was the closest, hit the traffic light. The ejected shell fell across the floor. He then had to reposition himself to make the next two shots and those shells lay next to each other on the floor, away from the first shell.

This show was good and pretty convincing.

Happy JFK Death Day

Today is the fiftieth anniversary of the JFK assassination. It was the Crime Of The Century, the 20th Century. The crime of the 21st Century, thus far, was whatever happened in '08, or maybe 9/11 if you don't view that as a form of modern warfare.

It's been fifty years and we still haven't solved the JFK case. At this point it seems pretty likely it was a mob hit. I say that because of the few facts we really know about the case we do know this; Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby was a mobster. Ruby ran several nightclubs and strip joints which were owned by the Mob.

What we know now that we didn't know then was that the mob hated JFK and that a low level mobster like Ruby would never do anything to draw attention to himself or the Mob without their ordering him to do it and even if Ruby did like JFK he certainly would not want his employers to know that.

One of the reasons some people give for Ruby not being a Mob assassin was that he was too "low level". First of all, he was high ranking enough to be put in charge of running Mob businesses and secondly, a hit man would be a "low level" employee. He had to be deemed expendable as he was going to live the rest of his life in prison, or be killed. A Mob boss doesn't pull the trigger, he has a "low level" associate do it for him. And as for Ruby's reason for killing Oswald; he loved JFK so much he wanted to avenge his death and save Jackie the pain of an Oswald trial, even if that was true he must have known his bosses hated JFK and RFK and to so publicly involve himself would have assured their wrath, and his death. 

The Mob was powerful enough to intimidate Ruby into giving up his own life. Maybe he had no choice. Maybe he had to do it to protect his family. Whatever happened to his family? How did they support themselves after Ruby's imprisonment and death from cancer four years later? Did Ruby even have a family? Did he already have cancer before he pulled the trigger? Did he really die of cancer in prison and if he did could he have been "given" cancer while there? Why didn't anyone ever seriously interview Ruby in the four years he was in prison? The only reporter he was planned on granting an interview to, to whom he said he would explain it all committed suicide just before the interview was to take place. Why would a famous reporter kill herself on the eve of the biggest story of her career? 

Who could have orchestrated all of this? The government? Really, the government? The government can barely get my mail delivered in time. They couldn't kill Fidel Castro or win a war in Viet Nam. Why do people think the government is behind everything when they can barely do what we've voted them in to do? No, this conspiracy stuff is a full time job. This is right up the Mob's alley.

One question some people have is since it's now common knowledge that JFK's father, a former bootlegger, called in some favors from the Mob to help his son get elected in 1960, why did JFK turn his brother, Robert Kennedy, the Attorney General, on them so viciously? Why would the Kennedys, who actually knew the mob existed while J. Edgar Hoover kept insisting it was a myth, attack the hand that fed them?

The answer to that question is clear when we realize that our perception of the mob is incorrect. We always refer to the mob as "Thee MOB", as in there is ONE MOB. There is not one Mob but many Mobs. If there was only one Mob or Mafia then "mob wars" would never have been created. The Kennedys were supported by one particular Mob whom they defended and protected while in office and the Mob they attacked was a rival organization. The Kennedy Assassination was a classic Mob hit. It wasn't so much, in their eyes, the Mob killing the President of the United States as much as it was hitting rival gang members.

Some people like to say that the Kennedy Assassination was not a typical Mob hit. A typical Mob hit is done at close range with a handgun, like the way Ruby shot Oswald, a classic Mob hit. But it was the Mob in the 1920s that made famous the "drive-by shooting" and Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel, the Mobster and Father of Las Vegas, was shot from a distance using a hunting rifle. There is no "Mob way" except to get the job done.

One last point; Lee Harvey Oswald is the only political assassin in the history of political assassins from Brutus and Cassius to John Wilkes Booth to the Worm who shot John Lennon that denied having done the killing. Assassins throughout history have felt their deed was a calling and that they were heroes for having done it. They wanted to change history and were proud of their place in it. Oswald steadfastly denied killing Kennedy and called himself "a patsy" which is someone who's been set up to take the blame.

Fifty years later and we still don't know the truth. I guess whoever killed President John F. Kennedy was "too big to fail".

Rock N Roll and Google search

Rock N Roll and Google search

I just thought I'd write a little update on Google and what they list as the top 10 search results for Rock N Roll, DECEMBER, 2013.  Obviously, Rock N Roll today has a much different connotation than in the glorious past.  Here is Google's top 9 search results for Rock N Roll.

(For me, the #10 search result shows my live Rock N Roll Rehab show date of almost 2 years ago, as if Google is trying to appease me.  It only comes up for me and won't come up for you because you are not me!)

Google Search top 10 results for Rock n Roll:

1 - Rock and roll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2 - Los Angeles - Rock n Roll Marathon Series Rock n Roll Marathon ...

3 - Rock n Roll USA - Rock n Roll Marathon Series Rock 'n' Roll ...

4 - Rock n Roll Marathon Series Rock n Roll Marathon Series

5 - Avril Lavigne - Rock N Roll - YouTube‎

6 - The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum

7 - The Rock n Roll Autograph Show

8 - Rock n Roll Camp for Girls Los Angeles | Empowering girls through ...

9 - Amazon.com: Rock N Roll: Music

10 - ROCK N ROLL REHAB LIVE SATURDAYS - 8PM (FREE ... from Jan, 2012

(Dear Google - My RockNRollRehab.com site here is much more current and up to date with over 500 posts on Rock N Roll subjects.  If you're gonna list me, how about this instead of a dated show from over 2 years ago?)

Put on your running shoes!  Get cute!  Rock N Roll is passé . . . It's a new world!

Google - You wanna rock?  Then Google Search needs to rock more! Don't  just go with the 'who pays me more, business as usual" tactic.

Rock N Light!

Rock N Peace!

Rock N Lifestyle!

Rock N Party!

Rock N Google Search! UGH!
Join Rock & Roll Rehab NOW! 

Rock N Roll Soundcheck

A Rock N Roll sound check is when you perform portions of your show during rehearsal on the day of your show to make sure you, as an artist, are comfortable with the Rock N Roll sound on stage while ensuring your house Rock N Roll sound, what the audience hears, is great, too. Doing a Rock N Roll sound check is essential!  You'll want to include every instrument you will be playing or different effect pedals you may be using.  In the next few paragraphs I will break down what is most important and how to go about getting it right.

Rock N Roll sound check!
In my traveling, gigging situations we leave our amps, keyboards and drums at home. We never play the same amp twice and am always working with different personnel.  Why not bring my own audio man and my own amps and drums on the road, you may ask?  BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO WORK FOR FREE!  Do you know how much it costs to fly amps, drums and keyboards from one city to the next?  Do you know how much it costs to fly a tech man, pay him and give him hotel rooms?  TOO MUCH!!!  That being said, I quickly learned how to efficiently and successfully do a Rock N Roll sound check in a matter of 2 hours or less using other people's gear and dealing with strangers running the board, as long as the gear is in place when the band arrives.  These gigs supply the amps, drums, keyboards and tech personnel.  It saves me money to just have the band show up with their guitars and drum sticks and work with the gear supplied.  We don't get paid more to bring extra people or gear, so why would we bring extra personnel  when we can get the audio right with what is supplied?

I've had tons of experience doing this.  You'd be surprised how some of the most seasoned players just don't understand the importance of a Rock N Roll sound check. It's so much easier to be in a famous or well paid band who usually bring along their own gear and tech personnel.  Piece of Cake!  But, even they have to do a Rock N Roll sound check.

Rock N Roll sound check! Rock N Roll Forever!
Let's get down to it.  There are lots of variables that can affect audio, like temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, the room ambiance, the musician's hearing, positioning of your amps, the strength of your voice that day, and much more.  While you're tuning up and getting your sounds in order, the first thing you want to get right is what you hear in your monitor.  This is what you hear on stage while you're playing.  Your monitor mix has absolutely nothing to do with what the audience hears.  This is for you and only you!   One at a time each musician takes their turn making sure what they hear in their monitor is what they want.  Some players prefer to just hear their own vocal in their monitor.  Since some player's amps are right behind them, they usually don't need to hear that in their monitor, either.  If playing in a big room I may add some drums and lead vocal and whatever else is needed to stay in sync with the other performers.  Some musicians prefer to hear everybody and everything equally in their monitor.  Whatever works for you is fine.

Rock N Roll
After the whole band gets their monitor and instruments sounding as they like it, it's time to do a house check.  During your monitor check the tech personnel are already starting to adjust the house but they are probably NOT familiar with  what you want the audience to hear.  This is a 2 step process.  I go out to the house to make it sound good (without me playing) and then someone else from the band goes out and listens while I'm playing.  If the final mix is good for both of us, mission accomplished.

The key to a good Rock N Roll sound check is to pick 5 or 6 different songs featuring different instrumentation or volumes or vocal harmonies.  Use these same songs every time for consistency, focus and efficiency.  Make sure the lead vocals are on top of the music, the harmonies are set to your liking and the solos, drums and all instruments are properly balanced.  I am not an EQ by the numbers kind of guy, instead going more by what I hear.  I may ask the technician to give me more "clarity" on the vocals, or make the kick drum feel more "punchy" or "less boomy".  Be sure to have a mixture of types of songs to hear; a rocking song, a ballad, an acoustic song, a song with harmonies and a song with solos, etc.

Rock N Roll Lives!
It can't be emphasized enough how important it is for the musicians on stage to play during the rehearsal check exactly what they will be playing during the show.  Same instrument, same feel, same lick.  After all, that is what a Rock N Roll sound check is all about.  Too many times musicians ask for adjustments AFTER the rehearsal, which can really mess things up.  What if the technician accidentally presses the wrong button or messes with another musician's settings?  IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME!  Don't be a bone-head or guitar hero by "trying" a different guitar during the Rock N Roll sound check than you normally use during the show.  You're supposed to be rehearsing exactly what you'll be playing for your evening performance.  This is not the time for experimentation or showing-off your new ax.  Save that for rehearsals!

Rock N Roll Sound Check
You'll often find the Rock N Roll sound is way different at showtime then it did during rehaearsal.  This could be for many reasons . . . Things were changed . . . a room full of people will dampen and dramatically change what you hear on stage . . . maybe one of the musicians is playing louder or softer because their adrenaline is flowing  . . . With time and experience you'll know how to make adjustments and deal with this.  This is why it's best to keep your monitor mix as simple as possible.  If it seems a little low at showtime you can simply signal the audio tech to make your voice louder in your monitor by pointing to your mouth and and then pointing up, meaning make your voice in your louder.  Simple!!!

Rock N Roll, Dude!
Sometimes the tech personnel will tell you your guitar or bass is too loud for the room.  A simple fix for this is to turn down and/or put some of your guitar audio in your monitor.  EASY FIX!  my guitar player's amps are aimed upward toward their heads and not aimed directly to the audience.  This makes the musician hear their instrument better and not blast the audience at the same time.  It also makes it much easier to blend the guitars through the main PA for a better balance and listening experience.

Rock N Roll Most Important Tip!
Remember, When the Rock N Roll sound check is over, DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING!  What you hear on stage is not at all what the audience hears.  You have to make yourself happy and be able to hear yourself on stage while at the same time make the sound for your audience awesome.  It's very challenging.  It's Rock n Roll!  Keep on Rockin' and Let's Rock, Rock N Roll forever! Rock N for the love of it, baby!

I Love Rock N Roll - Airline Travel With Guitars

I Love Rock N Roll
My name is Greg Piper, (aka RockNRollDude) and I have flown around the globe extensively for the past 25+ years as a professional guitarist and bassist, which gives me new meaning to the expression; time flies!  It seems like just yesterday, 1987 to be exact, when I notified my soon-to-be wife that I was going to be traveling the road with my rock show, thus being away from home more than the average person.  Fortunately, she was cool with this and, lo and behold, it happened!  My gig had me performing one-off evening performances from city to far away city on consecutive nights, flying from Los Angeles to Atlanta to NYC, to Japan, China, India, you get the picture.  I have taken hundreds of airline flights with my guitars carried on by back and have flown well over a million miles.  I'm here to share some airline tips to my fellow traveling musicians who travel with their guitars.

Don't you Love Rock N Roll?
The excitement and thrill of being a high flying, world traveling "Rock Star" can be dampened very quickly when the airlines take your instrument away from you before boarding the plane.   They'll erroneously tell you "it doesn't fit", which is generally not the case at all.  When that happens they often place your guitar under the belly of the plane with the other luggage. This creates the possibility of the guitars either being broken, delayed or even lost!   I know some musicians prefer to check their instruments in at the ticket counter having their guitars in anvil cases, but that sometimes cost a substantial fee and does not guarantee their safety or arrival to your final destination.  Try sleeping if that happens!

We  Love  Rock N Roll
There are three main obstacles for musicians bringing guitars with them on flights; the ticket counter, the TSA security check, and the gate agent, where you actually board the plane.  These three areas often could care less about you and your guitar and their attitudes often show it!  If you can get past them, you've made it and you can breath a sigh of relief.  The flight attendants on board are usually very friendly, cooperative, caring, helpful and understanding.

Peace + Love  Rock N Roll
Here's what to do.  When you first arrive at the airport you initially go to the ticket counter.  This is where to get your tickets, seat assignments and check in your bigger luggage.  It is best not to flaunt your stringed instruments because if you do the agent may try to have you check them in with your larger luggage.  By doing so your guitars will be handled by the same baggage handlers who throw your suitcases all over the place.  You don't want this to happen!  If the ticket counter person asks you to check your guitar with your baggage, kindly tell them, "This is my very fragile and expensive guitar that I need for my job tomorrow.  It's my livelihood, not a hobby and I cannot afford to have it damaged, delayed or lost.  I would like to see if I can fit it in the overhead on the plane, which usually fits, and if it doesn't I'll let the boarding Agent "gate-check" it there"  (Gate checking is when they take your luggage and hand delivers it to a special place under the plane, separate from the bigger bags.  Your hand checked item is usually brought back to you as you immediately depart the craft, and not put on the conveyor belts with the larger luggage.) This request on your part lets the ticket agent know that you are aware of the limitations of baggage space and that you are very willing to corporate and that you understand the situation.  I've never had my 6-string taken away at that point after this explanation.

Love Rock N Roll
Next, you have to deal with the TSA, whose job is supposed to be about security and airline safety.  Sometimes the TSA goes beyond their call of duty, much to a musician's detriment.  If TSA says your guitar is too big to advance to the boarding gate you have no other choice but to return to the ticket counter agent and ask for assistance in dealing with the TSA.  Fortunately, this almost never happens.  Make sure you only are carrying one instrument and maybe a laptop roller bag or a bag that is somewhat small.  If you have more than 2 items, you are definitely asking for problems!

Doesn't everybody Love Rock N Roll?
If you get past both the ticket counter and the TSA, you're left with the final and usually biggest hurdle, the gate agent :(  Gate agents are a breed of their own and they aren't paid to help you.  They're the ones who make the repeated announcements over the PA about allowed carry-ons and size requirements, etc.  The gate agents will almost always say your guitars won't fit.  They are trained to tell you that.  What you have to do, in a professional and friendly way, is simply tell them the same thing you told the ticket counter agent earlier, "This is my very fragile and expensive instrument that I need for my job.  It's my livelihood and I cannot afford to have it damaged, delayed or lost.  I would like to see if I can fit it in the overhead, which usually fits, and if it doesn't I'll "gate-check" it." This usually works.  Not always, but it's clear you are trying to work with them.

I Love  Rock N Roll - Peace N Light
Sometimes the gate agent insists you must gate check the guitar, no matter what!  They won't budge.  It's as if they know their supervisor is watching them and they must not let any instrument on board for any reason, period.  So, what do I do?  I simply allow the gate agent to tag my case.  Then they tell me to drop it off at the end of the ramp just before boarding for someone to take it underneath the aircraft.  As soon as I get pass the gate agent with my tagged case and am out of their view, I take the tag off and proceed to take the guitar on the plane.  Like I said earlier, the flight attendants are way cooler and much more helpful and accommodating.

I Love, Love  Rock N Roll
Now this is very important! - you don't want to be one of the last people to board!  You want to be near the beginning of the boarding line.  Why?  This is the only way you'll be able to fit your guitar into the overhead space.  They'll usually do fit unless it is a small prop plane.  If the craft is full and you're one of the last ones to board, you will not get the guitar to fit in the overhead as the space will have already been taken by other people's carry-ons.

I Love, Love, Love  Rock N Roll
On a final note, carry your ax in as small a case as possible.  Also, leave your custom, one-of-a-kind $10,000 guitar at home and bring your $500 Strat on the road instead.  You get paid the same no matter what  you bring, right? Anything can happen on the road.  Do you really want to take the chance of your $10,000 guitar getting lost, stolen or destroyed? If you must have that over-priced classic with you, my advice is to stay home!  You don't get it and you're not made for the road.  (unless money is no issue for you)

I Love, Love  Rock N Roll - Peace N Light
Traveling is not for every musician.  When it comes to flying, the airlines are in charge, not you.  It can be a slippery path for unknowing musicians with guitars and getting their valued instruments on the plane without incident.  You may be a "Rock N Roll Star" on stage but when it comes to the airlines, you're nothing more than a musical sardine.  The airlines have a funny way of looking at your guitars, their eyes bug out, you're like a target to them.

I Love To Rock - I Love, Love  Rock N Roll
Remember, the airlines motto at times is, "The passenger is always wrong!"  Again, you cannot argue with them.  They have a monopoly on fast travel and they know you have little or no alternatives for getting to your destination on time.  You have to play the game and be flexible, cunning, alert and on your best behavior.  If this is not for you, get a day job, travel via Amtrak Train, Greyhound Bus, or take a very long drive or boat ride.  None of these options work for me.

Rock On, High Fliers!  Peace N Light

Happy Halloween

Today is the day when some cultures believed the Earthly plane and the plane of the dead are the most closely aligned thus allowing the year's easiest communication between the living and the dead.

People would dress up as their dead ancestors, not necessarily as witches or pirates or sexy cats unless that's what their dead relatives happened to have been, and would ask for offerings of food from each other. This custom came from the tradition of leaving offerings to the dead and evolved into giving candy to kids. The Trick Or Treat tradition represents the risk of accruing the wrath of your dead ancestors if you don't leave them an offering.

Christmas was once celebrated as the birth of Jesus, a religious leader to many of the world's population and like Halloween has been turned into something completely different. So much of the Western World's religious traditions have been streamlined, condensed and compressed into bite sized chunks for human consumption. Singing hymns came from chanting mantras used in meditation. Incense was originally used as something on which to concentrate while meditating and prayer was the watered down version of looking deep inside for answers through meditation. We kept a lot of the ritual while forgetting the reason behind it.

But enough of my Bah Humbuggery over Halloween. Here's The Tooners' spooky music video to help get the mood back:

Click above to view video.

Happy Birthday Greg Piper

Happy birthday to Greg Piper who is 106 today! Greg was born in 1907 during the San Francisco earthquake and grew up to be the lead sing in the L.A. New Wave band Womanizer and later The Tooners. He and his brother Tim played as The Village Inn Pipers at a pizza parlor called The Village Inn in the San Fernando Valley when it was still only orange groves with the Wright brothers testing their flying contraption out in the West Valley.

The Piper brothers formed the rock band The Pipers and played throughout the Jazz Era and into the Great Depression at high school dances and hay rides. During the New Wave days of World War 1 sister Susie joined on vocals and the band sold out the world famous Troubadour when it was still only a tar pit on Santa Monica Blvd. With the advent of the Second World War sister Sally and mom Beverly joined the band and with the invention of electricity the boys switched to electric guitars which initially got them booed. But they persevered until trying to escape the clutches of their mobster managent company Greg and brother Tim entered into the Witness Protection Program where they were given new identities as members of The Beatles.

Greg Piper circa 1936.

Although Greg remained defiantly set in his course to continue making original music in The Tooners, he and Tim traveled the world in Beatles bands such as Twist And Shout, Imagine, Yesterday and Revolution, always one step ahead of their pursuing gangster managers and despite always having to change their bands' names and even their onstage personas as Tim switched from appearing as a Mr. Paul McCartney to eventually assuming the identity of one John Lennon.

Finally, after years of running from country to country and show to show they temporarily settled down to perform the John Lennon themed show called Just Imagine at L.A.'s Hayworth Theater on Wilshire Blvd. Believing most of their tormentors are either dead or are now too old to effectively continue the pursuit they now can relax, somewhat, and enjoy their golden years. They hope.

Happy birthday, Greg!

Another Beatles Cartoon

Here's something interesting, it's a new graphic novel about Brian Epstein the manager of the world famous Beatles. It's illustrated with quite some style but the character designs don't always conform to what the memory of those events were in the minds of the original fans (Baby Boomers). I also wonder if the "graphicness" of this graphic novel makes the intended audience gay men rather than Beatles fans. After all, this is Brian's story, not The Beatles'. Wouldn't you just love to see your secret sex life turned into a comic book?

 Click on the photo to see the graphic novel promo.

This design reminds me of The Beatles Rockband look. I don't know if they are designed by the same person but they do seem very similar.

Until the Rockband promo goes all 3D and everything...

I think what's interesting about the Rockband promo is that it is 2D animation for the early Beatles but once they go psychedelic the animation changes to 3D which ironically looks more "real" than the 2D yet is suppose to illustrate a complete fantasy. According to this video once the Beatles record Sgt. Peppers they were summoned up into a higher plane to a hyper realistic / fantasy world. I guess the game's producers thought it best to just skip that whole Yoko thing completely. Good call.