Rock N Roll and Google search

Rock N Roll and Google search

I just thought I'd write a little update on Google and what they list as the top 10 search results for Rock N Roll, DECEMBER, 2013.  Obviously, Rock N Roll today has a much different connotation than in the glorious past.  Here is Google's top 9 search results for Rock N Roll.

(For me, the #10 search result shows my live Rock N Roll Rehab show date of almost 2 years ago, as if Google is trying to appease me.  It only comes up for me and won't come up for you because you are not me!)

Google Search top 10 results for Rock n Roll:

1 - Rock and roll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2 - Los Angeles - Rock n Roll Marathon Series Rock n Roll Marathon ...

3 - Rock n Roll USA - Rock n Roll Marathon Series Rock 'n' Roll ...

4 - Rock n Roll Marathon Series Rock n Roll Marathon Series

5 - Avril Lavigne - Rock N Roll - YouTube‎

6 - The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum

7 - The Rock n Roll Autograph Show

8 - Rock n Roll Camp for Girls Los Angeles | Empowering girls through ...

9 - Rock N Roll: Music

10 - ROCK N ROLL REHAB LIVE SATURDAYS - 8PM (FREE ... from Jan, 2012

(Dear Google - My site here is much more current and up to date with over 500 posts on Rock N Roll subjects.  If you're gonna list me, how about this instead of a dated show from over 2 years ago?)

Put on your running shoes!  Get cute!  Rock N Roll is passé . . . It's a new world!

Google - You wanna rock?  Then Google Search needs to rock more! Don't  just go with the 'who pays me more, business as usual" tactic.

Rock N Light!

Rock N Peace!

Rock N Lifestyle!

Rock N Party!

Rock N Google Search! UGH!
Join Rock & Roll Rehab NOW! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! These all are the awesome tracks dear, I like fast tracks, so these are very good for me.

    Kopi Luwak
