Today there is a Concert In The Park near where I live that features an Eagles tribute band. The Eagles were my wife’s favorite band back in the day so for our 20th anniversary I took her to an actual Eagles concert at the Staples Center in L.A.
It was a happy coincidence that after all these years of off again / on again the band was together at the time of our anniversary and playing a concert nearby. It was also a very happy coincidence that I had a job at the time and could pay the hundreds of dollars per ticket and not make my wife pay for her own anniversary present. The folding chairs of the seventeenth row on the floor of the Staples Center were uncomfortably crammed together but the performance was... I’m looking for the right word .... give me a second... Flawless, perfect, pristine, exacting, precise, you get the idea. I couldn’t swear these guys weren’t faking it to tracks. For a sports arena the sound was great, clear, clean and the perfect volume, at least from the floor. I thought I’d miss Don Felder but the guitarist who replaced him was spot on, even getting a nice country twang from his Telecaster for the early tunes.
The funny thing was that the only really rocking songs were Joe Walsh’s, and I mean the two or three James Gang hits and a couple of his solo records that they played. They were tighter than whatever colorful term you wish to place here and the energy and fun level was high but I still tend to agree with The Dude. Great rock band that plays way too much Country to be a great Rock band.
Haven't seen an eagles Tribute act here in Bedford UK yet, unless you want to be annoying and count 'Sutherland Brothers and Quiver' that includes an ex' ,Eagles' member or members. Great Music for a low price to a hall of no more than 160 people, Bedfords, Harpur Site building, about 3 years back now. We have 'East West Promotions here who are on line and get varied Country, Country and western and Country Rock music gigs sorted for the town's few remaining venues, such as The Corn Exchange and smaller venue's. None of this is quite Rock and Roll, but this is a mere town of 200,000 apx.,and we have Cambridge, Luton, Milton- Keynes, Leicester and Birmingham all within distances that some of you guys cover in shopping trips. London is a mere 50m miles down the line and 45min to an hour away........PS I give these details out of Interest and don't work for anyone