Tribute Art

     There was an interesting article in the L.A. Times about something called “Tribute Art”. It is what used to be called “Fan Art”. It’s when an artist or graphic designer redesigns a movie poster for an old film or a poster for a band or some kind of commercial art for something from the past but not officially commissioned.
    A show I worked on for years, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” were one of the first TV shows that had “Tribute Art”. There were calendars that had illustrations of the Turtles done by different artists and in different styles. The Turtles calendar I believe was an officially licensed product while today’s Tribute Art is totally independent of the original subject matter and is of the school of art called Appropriation Art.
    The classic example of Appropriation Art is Andy Warhol’s famous Campbell’s Soup (1968), which is not a painting of soup at all but rather of the Campbell’s Tomato Soup can’s label, itself an artistic design. I’ve done this myself on occasion such as the T-shirt design for Rock & Roll Rehab ( which shows the original Rock & Roll Rehab logo but with an old “Wolf & Rissmiller Tombstone” design backstage pass stuck over it. The backstage passes are from now defunct famous clubs such as The Cheetah and Pandora’s Box (so I wouldn’t get sued). I wonder if the “Illuminated Lyrics” paintings I’ve done which illustrate Classic Rock song lyrics would qualify as Tribute Art?

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