Free the Russian punk band Pussy Riot, that is. Rock & Roll may have scored another victory as Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has asked that the three female members of the political punk band Pussy Riot jailed for performing a song critical of Russian President Vladimir Putin have their two year sentences suspended.
"In my view, a suspended sentence would be sufficient, taking into account the time they have already spent in custody," he said during a televised meeting with members of his United Russia party.
Having Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev make this call keeps President Vladimir Putin from looking like he’s caving to the pressure brought by rockers internationally from Sir Paul to Madonna.
It’s one thing to have President Obama ask to have the girls freed, although I don’t think that he has, but it’s quite another to have one of the Beatles request it. After all, it’s the least the Russians could do for Paul having recorded Back In The USSR. Just as India loves the Beatles because they made it cool to be Indian, Russia, or at least the former USSR, got a rare shout out and in the middle of the Cold War. They owe Sir Paul a big one.
There's no such thing as FREE PUSSY . . . is there?