A couple years ago, since it was Memorial Day, I wrote a blog post about a band that was killed during the Viet Nam War while there with the USO. To read the original post go HERE.
Yesterday Rock & Roll Rehab received a comment on that blog post which I don't want to have get lost in the archives so I've reprinted it here. This is quite a story.
jack marinoJune 15, 2013 at 12:44 PM
This is the true story about what happened to Brandi Perry and The Bubble Machine in Viet Nam July 1968.
SP4 David K.Hamilton U.S.Army who was assigned to the HQ Company, 1St. Logistics Command volunteered to drive a pickup truck with the band and Brandi (Paula Levine) to a camp for a performance when they were ambushed by Viet Cong forces on Highway 15 in the middle of a combat zone, according to Miss Levine, Hamilton, a Malden MA. native was covered with wounds when he threw himself over the actress and ordered the rest of the troupe to "play dead". Two band members died and two survived, the survivors credited SP4 Hamilton with their survival by listening to his commands to stay still and play dead so the enemy wouldn't kill them. The actress Paula Levine flew from Hollywood to Malden MA to attend the funeral and bring Hamilton's belongings that he entrusted to her before he died. Hamilton was 19 years old, his name is etched on the VietNam Memorial Wall along with over 58,000 of our brave American heroes.
Jack Marino, US Navy 1967
Malden Veteran